Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Is Prayer Really Enough?

Is Prayer Really Enough? That question always raises eyebrows. Well here are some answers for you:

There are those circumstances where it is all we can do. If we have a family member who has an illness, all we can do is pray for their healing and God's will to be done. We are not doctors, and doctors sometimes cannot do it all. But, to digress for a minute, some old school believers say that if you go to a doctor, that means you don't have faith in God. Do you want my take on that? You're reading this so you must. God allowed and placed doctors here so he can heal us. The digression is over.

Now, on the flipside, there are many cases where prayer is not enough. James 2:20-24 teaches us that faith without works is dead. God does not want us to be lazy in what we do. I can remember many times in elementary and middle school when several friends and I would say "we need to pray that we will pass this test." Now looking back on it, did we study? If we didn't, we weren't going to pass, no matter how hard we prayed. Now I know this is a cheesy example, but it proves that if you must do your part in order for God to honor a request. In Matthew 16:-20, God told his eleven disciples to go make converts of the world. As followers of Christ, we must also take part in fulfilling the Great Commission. But praying the world will be saved won't do it. Yes, we need to pray for the lost, but we also need to show Christ's love. We need to share the good news. We may be the only Jesus they see. We could be the difference in a person spending eternity in Heaven or Hell.

So here is my challenge to you: As you pray, live your prayers out. Make sure that you do your part with your works, so God will honor it and help maximize the results!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Prayer for those in Haiti

I can't express how much my heart goes out to Haiti. Thousands and Thousands of people have died, and they need help. I heard what a certain evangelist said, something to the extent of "The people of Haiti paying for a pact they made with the devil." Wow, what a wrong time to say this. God forgives, he loves, he provides.

What really eats at me is how so many "Christians" have the wrong attitude today. CHRISTIANITY IS NOT ABOUT CONDEMNING THE LOST TO HELL AND REJOICING IN THEIR SUFFERINGS, IT IS ABOUT EXTENDING CHRIST'S LOVE TO THE LOST AND WINNING THEIR SOULS FOR THE CAUSE OF JESUS CHRIST! How can we expect to help the church grow by shunning those? Church is not about being comfortable. We are here to reach out and continue the Great Commision that Christ put us on. He never said reaching the utter most parts of the world will be easy. It will definitley be challenging. But that's okay, at least it should be. God forbid that a drug addict walks into our church, or a goth does, or a punk, or a homeless person. Their clothes aren't right for church, they don't need to be here. The smell bad, they dont' need to be here. That, my friends, is the last thing we need to do. That is staying in a comfort zone.

But we need to extend Christ's love with open arms to everyone. Yes there have been dark things to go on in Haiti, witchcraft, voodoo, and what not. There is also a lot of that in the United States, but that is something that can be discussed in a different time. Regardless of the darkness there, I challenge you, us, the church, to be a beacon of Christ's light to a hurting people. Let's lift them up in prayer everyday, let's even fast on their behalf. Now, more than ever, they need God. They need a source of hope. Why not pray for and show them the everlasting hope? A hope that never goes away and never dies. A hope that is Jesus Christ. He is the only way, and we need to express that to everyone....

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Journey Continues

College students, can you believe that it is fall break? I can't, but it is definitely a much needed one. As the stresses of school and everyday life build up, it is nice to have a chance to escape reality. It is through these times that I meditate on Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." This has always been true. God is a friend who sticks closer than a brother, Jehovah Jireh our provider...there are so many titles that can be placed on him, but the fact of the matter is he is faithful, no matter what.

We all wish life was perfect, and we could get answers to everything right now. But we can't. We must be patient. There is waiting, trials, and tribulations. But it is important that we remember Jeremiah 29:11 "'For I know the plans I have for you,'" declares the LORD, "'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" No matter what we go through in the here and now, we must remember that if we go according to God's plan, it is worth the stress, it is worth the trials, it is worth the tests he allows to come our way. God will always provide a way out, he will always provide a means to get through, as long as we follow what he wants according to his plan.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What does God really see?

Wow, I should really post more things on this, but I'm digressing before getting started.

So, what does God really see? He sees our heart. While I think many traditions are great, there is no reason they can't be broken. I am unashamed to say that I wear blue jeans to church every weekend, sometimes even shorts (Oh, my!). It is very rare that you will see me in a suit and tie. Will this make some people upset? Most likely, but who do I have to answer to? Jesus.

I remember seeing people dressed in baggy jeans with chains, black shirts, spikes, long hair, and piercings everywhere. Even though they were not dressed in what one would call "church attire," they were at the altar, praising God. I then remember hearing some people say "People like that do not need to walk in our church." That one quote made me want to punch the person in the face (not really, but it did infuriate me). These people could have easily been at a party drinking, out doing drugs, having sex, or doing some other destructive behavior. But they were not, they were seeking the face of God. Their HEART was in the right place.

What people need to realize is WHY we go to church. We go to seek and worship God, not to say "oh I like your tie, that dress is pretty, you should have polished your shoes, why isn't your shirt ironed." Those people go to church for the wrong reasons.

Being in the church all my life and seeing the way things are done in different places, also showed me all the ways God can show up. I'll be the first to tell you, I'm a born and bread Pentecostal Holiness boy. I love my Pentecostal roots, and I love throwdown Pentecostal services. I speak in tongues, and the things that go along with it. But typically, I am not a loud and expressive worshipper. You'll see me with my hands up from time to time, I'll shout occasionally, and shed a tear. But there have been times that I have been standing and raising my hands, and there have been times where I have been dead silent, and I still expierenced God in a powerful way. I am very weary of those who say "If you are loud and shout, you are irreverant." Or the other side of the coin, "If you aren't shouting and screaming and jumping, you are under bondage and are not truly worshipping God." My mother once told me that emotion without devotion is commotion. I truly feel that God enjoys and accepts ALL styles of worships, loud or soft or silent...as long as the HEART is in the right place.

In Acts chapter 2, the phenomenon of Pentecost took place. But something that is also great to do, is to sit down and listen to his still small voice, listen with your heart. Read his word and see what he has to tell you in a quiet place.

No matter how you dress to church or how you worship, make sure your heart is in the right place, and know that God will honor that.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Yeah, I know it has been a long time since I've been on here, almost four months. Just for an update...summer school and working two jobs is HARD!! I can't sit here and say it isn't stressful, because that would be a boldface lie. But I can say that Philipians 4:13 gets me through it all. Isn't it awesome that we have a savior who helps us through everything?

The bright side is, I have an internship at the best place ever!! It is at C3 Church. I have no doubt that God has engineered this. After serving on the worship team since last year, it has been great to be able to get to know the staff on a deeper level. I can say I feel at home there and that I love my job!

I'm going to try to do more frequent blogs, hold me to it!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

yet again...

Wow it has been awhile since I have been on here...kinda sad.

Nonetheless, the end of the school year is almost here, and I can't wait. But at the same time, I really can't say that I have many regrets. Campbell has given me the opprotunity to find new friends and find my niche. It won't be a complete break because of the lovely time of summer school.

I have an excitng interview tomorrow, and if all goes well, you'll be sure to know.

God has blessed me in so many ways and I can't think him enough.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Engineered or just Allowed?

Two stories to prove a point: Recently, I heard of a pastor that said God engineered and made people have sickness...Wow, that is grotesque. Now the longer story: A woman who had cancer went to the altar and asked her pastor to pray for her. She told him, "Pastor, I have cancer, and it has made me very humble. I want to be more humble, so would you please pray that I will continue to be humble?" So the pastor stared praying..."Dear Father in Heaven, please give this woman more cancer." Before he could get another word out, she shouted, "How could you pray for more of this horrible sickness in my body?" The pastor replied, "You said you wanted to be more humble, so I'm praying for what makes you humble." If you read in between the lines, you will be able to see that the pastor did this to prove a point.

Contrary to some people's beliefs, God does not point his wrathful finger and certain people and zap them and say "You have cancer, you have AIDS, etc." He is our heavenly father. All parents who are reading, think about this: What kind of parent would you be if you made your precious child have a sickness?

The point is God allows certain things to happen, he does not cause them. 1 Peter 5:8 reads "Satan roams around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." This not only happens with physical sickness, any kind of circumstance can apply, whether it be a family member falling out with the rest of the family, a job loss, the death of a loved one, or anything else. The question is, no matter what comes against us, if Satan brings it on us or we bring it on ourselves, are we going to praise God no matter the circumstances?

My challenge to you: Read the book of Job, see what God allowed him to go through and watch how is faith persevered. This will be a challenge because after you read Job, I'm sure that you will realize that most of us have little to complain about...